Another fun fact: Jazz Jackrabbit was created by Cliff Bleszinksi and Arjen Brussee. This might result in the game being displayed in weird colours. Dean did the opening and ending cutscenes, and the animation for the third playable character, but the vast majority of the animation and other graphics was by Nick Stadler.) Crowbarmagic.

Search for the OpenJazz.exe file, double click it to start it.Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Jazz Jackrabbit game folder, in this example c:\games\jazz.Select all files in the zip file and copy them (right click, copy) into the Jazz Jackrabbit game folder (right click, paste), in this example c:\games\jazz.Open the zip file by double clicking it.For 64-bits Windows: OpenJazz-2019xxxx-win64.zip.For 32-bits Windows: OpenJazz-2019xxxx-win32.zip.Download the zip file with the OpenJazz executable We assume you have Jazz Jackrabbit installed or downloaded, in this example the game is in c:gamesjazz Go to the download page of OpenJazz Download the zip.

We assume you have Jazz Jackrabbit installed or downloaded, in this example the game is in c:\games\jazz.After that, get the OpenJazz game and library files.Don't have the game? Download the full version!.One of the original Jazz Jackrabbit games installed.So what do you need to play Jazz Jackrabbit on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 computer?