He gave another reason why he was so strongly in favor of the use of Latin in the Rite of Exorcism: “ The Devil hates Latin, it is the universal language of the Church.” I asked him about this afterwards, and he repeated it, saying that his personal experiences as an exorcist who has performed many, many exorcisms have convinced him of this. One reason is practical – there is no approved translation in English as yet. However, he did explain that the Rite of Exorcism is only said in Latin. Read the whole thing, but this is the part that most interested me:

There is a piece about a talk given by the priest who was the inspiration for the movie The Rite. Over at NLM I found yet another confirmation that the Devil hates Latin.

Again and again I have heard – and said – how the Devil hates Latin. I have attended a couple workshops on exorcism.

John Zuhlsdorf who posted this on 16 February 2016: